Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 60

Let’s finish with a prayer:

There is That Within Me that is perfect health – always has been, always will. It is magnificent Energy, coalescing through my thoughts and feelings to become form as me. It is the Divine Pattern of all that was, is now, and can be. It is my Lifeforce.

I am more open than I was 60 days ago to the revealing of that Divine Pattern of myself. I now accept a new story about my body and my life. I declare I am an excellent picture of The Divine in action. My cells have been reenergized and are doing the work they are meant to do. My blood is clean, my muscles are flexible. My skeleton is strong and resilient. My organs are functioning beautifully. I am a new person, pain free and happy with who I am accepting myself to be.

I know that as I have accepted Health as my divine birthright, I have also accepted it for everyone in the Thank God We’re Healthy campaign. And as we accept Divine Health as our new story, we accept it for more people than we can possibly imagine. Our choosing Health for ourselves makes the world a healthier place to be. And this is a good thing!

Gratefully I remember the Truth of my being. Gratefully I realize the Truth has set me free. I celebrate Health in every area of my life and the lives of others.

I release these words to the Law of Mind, knowing they are already done. And so it is.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you the past 60 days. I have gained so much from our journey!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 59

Tomorrow is our last day of our Thank God We’re Healthy campaign. How do you feel?

There was a movie with Jane Fonda years ago that I can’t remember the name of … but I do remember a scene with a man sticking his head out the window and yelling “I’m mad as hell, I’m not going to take it anymore!”

In a way, this is the attitude we have to approach our healing with --- not with the “mad as hell” – tho that feeling would give the words a push – but the “I’m not going to take this anymore.” That thought, plus the feeling, wakes us up! We suddenly realized all we have accepted in our lives that we really don’t like – and that we don’t have to have to settle for any of it.

Sometimes when we get that feeling, we forget to carry on with it, and replace what we don’t want, with what we do want.

If you haven’t had the success you wanted with this campaign, perhaps you ought to get mad! Bring yourself to the feeling and then yell “I’m not going to take this anymore!” and don’t stop there! Tell the Universe what you DO want! “ The Truth of me is I am healthy – my life works wonderfully – and I feel good! This is my Truth and this is what I choose to see manifest!”

Choose to stand in that Truth until you can feel a sense of joy bubbling up … this is all your atoms dancing to the perfect pattern of health … this is the Universe applauding your decision!

You are all that you’ve decided to be – don’t settle for anything less than The Best!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 58

When I wrote about acknowledgment yesterday – I meant for you to acknowledge your own successes!! We spend so much time thinking about the challenges – and not enough time realizing that our work in consciousness is having an effect!!

Here are two successes that were sent to me:

Jeff wrote: “I have noticed that my arthritis is not acting up as it usually does, and I believe it's on the way out. I've also noticed that my clothes are fitting a little looser, and that speaks of weight loss which is very healthy indeed!”

MerriLu wrote: “ works...and Yes, pain gone is not missed...and YES, I am grateful and YES, I use "Thank God I am Healthy" as a mantra daily and once again, YES...YES...YES...”

Often as I am in the process of changing my thinking about an experience, every little thing I notice that is in the direction of revealing the Truth of me, I call “signs of land.” Remember Noah watching for land during the flood. His first sign was a dove returning with a small twig of olive leaves. The dove symbolizes peace and the olive branch, a winner. As we begin to look for and acknowledge our successes, we feel a deep sense of Peace. The fears about the condition or experience drain away, and we are able to open more fully to our good.

AFFIRM: “My work in Mind is revealing a healthy me! I see it, I acknowledge it, and it continues to be so!”

Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 57

I haven’t heard from anyone participating in our Thank God We’re Healthy campaign lately. Perhaps you got bored? Perhaps it was just too much work? Oh .. wait … I know! Everyone is healed and feeling wonderful!!

Acknowledgment is an important part of the healing process. When I had the back challenge a few years ago, after I realized how I was perpetuating it in consciousness, I started gratefully acknowledging every time it didn’t hurt – no matter how small it was. In fact, I started out by saying “It works! Treatment works!” and got excited about every little thing – from being able to walk up or down the stairs (I lived in a 3 story townhome) to being able to get up off the toilet with little or no pain.

We all know how nice it is to receive acknowledgment – your subjective mind likes it too!!

Affirm: I am so grateful to be able to notice the things that are working in my life!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 56

A good day to pray:

I breathe deeply and welcome the powerful Presence of infinitely intelligent Life within me. I allow myself to be still and know that I am God.

God is absolutely all there is – so there can be nothing that isn’t God including me.

Knowing this I claim the perfect pattern of Divine Heath is within me now. I absolutely let go of all stories I have had about myself and my life that said anything different. I am vibrantly alive. I am healthy cells, healthy organs, healthy bones, healthy muscles. The blood that flows though my veins is a Divine Elixir, spreading radiant Life though out my body.

How grateful I am to know this Truth. How grateful I am to have changed my consciousness to one of Perfect Health. How grateful I am to release these words to Spiritual Law, knowing they are already done. And so it is.

Day 55

Sometimes changing our consciousness can seem like a never-ending experience … well, it is! We have to be constantly vigilant about what we are thinking.

One thing I did while changing my consciousness about my back when it was so bad, was pick an affirmation for the day, and consciously breathe deeply and say it when ever I went to the washroom. (I know – it sounds weird, but I couldn’t stick to a “time” .. so I picked an experience – smile!!)

A note about affirmations – choose ones that feel appropriate to you .. in fact the ones you create yourself will resonate with your subconscious mind better than any I could give you.

However, here is a list of affirmations I liked:

I am healthy in body, mind and emotions.
I am strong and healthy and full of Life.
Divine Energy flows through me with ease.
All of my cells are dancing in tune with the Infinite.
I radiate good health all the time.
My body is a great place to be.
I am healthy, happy and harmonious.
Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 54

If you have been following this campaign and doing the work suggested, you will have experienced a healing. Or perhaps you haven’t had a total healing yet but there has been some relief in the condition.

If you haven’t participated fully, I have to ask you – do you really want to be well?

As I wrote yesterday – all it takes is wanting it and allowing it to happen!

We are working with a Principle – a Principle that works for us by working through us, according to what we are predominantly thinking about. It cannot not work!! A Principle is like 1 plus 1 equals 2 … 1 plus 1 cannot decide arbitrarily that it will equal 3 or not work at all. It has to equal 2!

Our thoughts and feelings are like that 1 plus 1 -- thoughts and feelings equal manifestation. Wanting involves both thinking health and feeling healthy. Allowing it is Trusting the Principle to work for us.

Affirm: I love living in my healthy body!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 53

In the Abraham-Hicks writings it says that the two factors in the creation of anything are to WANT IT and ALLOW IT.

Wanting it – we all want to be healthy in every aspect of our being, don’t we?

So - do we Allow it? Many people who are experiencing dis-ease are doing so by default. They want to be healthy, but the majority of their thoughts don’t support their wellness.

Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote that the only price we had to pay was in spiritual coin – to me that means paying attention. Paying attention to what we’re thinking about, talking about .. paying attention to what we’re feeling, and then asking “Is this conducive to my greatest good?” and if it’s not – consciously changing the direction we were heading in.

Affirm: “Divine Mind gently, easily, and with humor, reminds me when I am off track”

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 52

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” Buddha

Today, no matter what transpires, let yourself be fully present. Be right where your body is - and not just present, but fully present in Love … This is the wise thing to do. Love is the greatest healing agent in the universe!

If your body hurts, love it anyway.

If your finances are lacking, love them regardless.

If your relationships are painful, love them anyway.

If your work is stressful, love it.

Affirm: I let Love do Its perfect work in me, as me, now!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 51

Catherine Ponder, one of the great prosperity teachers in New Thought, wrote:

"That which is not for my highest good now fades from me and I no longer desire it.”

One of my health intentions is to live in a trim, flexible body. Yet evenings come and I start thinking about tortilla chips!! Part of me knows late night eating isn’t good for me … yet the voice of those chips calling me is louder!!

I decided to experiment with Catherine Ponder’s affirmation. I have used it the past few days, and am happy to report it’s working!! I know this because as I opened the cupboard this morning to get down the oatmeal, I saw a brand new bag of chips! I had forgotten all about them!!

It is so delightful to remember how powerful we are and what a wonderful tool our mind is. As we embody affirmations as our own, the Universal Subjective Mind takes them and makes them our Truth!! Yea God!!

What desires are calling you that aren’t for your highest good? Use this affirmation in your spiritual work for awhile and see what happens!

"That which is not for my highest good now fades from me and I no longer desire it.”

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 50

Ernest Holmes wrote: "We should work, not with anxiety, but with expectancy, not by coercion, but with conviction."

How are you doing with this? When you do your spiritual work, are you doing it with an expectancy and conviction? Or are you hoping it will work?

Hope is good – but not when it comes to changing your consciousness about something. “Hope” denotes a chance of it not working.

Working with expectancy and conviction tells the Universe we are serious about our intentions. We require health in all areas of our lives!! And that we are grateful to know we can truly change our thinking and change our experience!!

Affirm today: Divine Mind assists me in attaining and maintaining the consciousness of health.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 49

A good day to pray. Join me in this Spiritual Mind Treatment for our health. Breathe deeply, and allow these words to sink deep into your subjective mind.

We live in an infinite field of possibilities. This Field is the Mind of God, which is everywhere present, infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving. This Field awaits our choices, becoming what ever we choose.

Today I choose health – mental, emotional and physical health. As soon as I made my choice, Spirit began to radiate through me as health. In my mind’s eye, I see everything changing to complete my choice. I see this radiation of Spirit touch not only my physical body, but the body of my affairs.

I choose balance – and declare that everything in my life is in perfect balance. I feel the blessings of being consciously aware of the Diving Presence within. I feel everything in my life falling into its right and perfect place.

I am so grateful for the Power Within. I am so grateful I am waking up to the Truth of my Being. I am so grateful I can speak this word and experience the effects, not only in my life, but in the lives of all the people in the Thank God We’re Healthy campaign and more. And so it is.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 48

And yet another reason I believe we don’t instantly see the Truth revealed and experience our healing …

We won’t let go of the old story!!

How many of us have done our Treatment work with the intention to be healthy in mind and heart, and then just a little while later, told someone about our ailment, or our lack of money, or love or how awful our job is, etc..

Jesus said “You can’t put new wine into old wineskins.” He was saying you can’t reveal the Truth with the consciousness that created the situation. We have to change our thinking to change our experience.

Today make a decision to not tell your story to anyone – not even you!. If you find your mind moving in that direction, change the direction of your thoughts.
Yes, it isn’t going to be easy – after all our stories have become ingrained – become habits in our minds. But we can do it!! Do it for just one day to see what it feels like! Soon the healthy thinking will become a new habit.

What to think about to replace the old story??? Think about what you are grateful for instead!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Day 47

Day 47

Another reason we don’t instantly see the Truth revealed when we do our Spiritual Mind Treatments is because we don’t believe we are that powerful.

In 1921 Judge Thomas Troward, author of Edinburgh Lectures and other books that influenced Ernest Holmes (the founder of Religious Science) wrote,

“In forming man, God, the Creative Principle, produced a perfect work, and our conception of ourselves as imperfect can only be the result of our own ignorance of what we really are; and our advancement, therefore, does not consist in having something new added to us, but in learning to bring into action powers which already exist in us, but which we have never tried to use, and therefore not yet developed.”

He goes on to say, “If we wish to attain these great powers, the question is, where are we to seek them? And the answer is in ourselves. That is the great secret. Every person is a concentration of the Universal Spirit into individual consciousness. It is the Real Self that we so often leave out in our estimate of what we are. Our challenge is that we have set up barriers to our awareness of it.”

Affirm: All barriers to my awareness of my True Self are dissolved gently and easily.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 46

I’m knowing you had fun yesterday using that powerful tool called your imagination!

We are deepening our understanding that the basis of all healing is a change in belief. So what stops us? We can imagine ourselves healthy …. So why don’t we instantly change?

There are many ways I could answer those questions – today I am going to talk about deservability. Do you really believe you deserve to be healthy, or have that right person in your life, or have plenty of money, or be in the most wonderful profession?

Some of us have left parts of ourselves in the memories of painful childhood experiences that made us feel we weren’t worth of living a full life. Working on our forgiveness processes helped recover those parts. I know you are feeling more whole after doing the work you have already done. (and there always seems to be more work to do in this area)

The past few days have been about remembering who you REALLY are – Spirit in form. As Spirit you are totally worthy of every good thing – how could you not be? It had become a habit to think of yourself as unworthy, undeserving of your Highest Good. Now you know God is your good,. Your good is your God and It is within you now!

AFFIRM: I deserve my highest good – my good is God! God expresses through me as Health!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 45

Does it make you feel funny to think of yourself in terms of a wonderous Being? I can imagine someone looking at the last two days of our campaign, and thinking “But you don’t understand, my body (or life, or relationship, or job) isn’t working right. If I am so wonderous, why would this be happening?”

Perhaps we’re having the experience we are because we accepted it as it is. We’ve accepted that it isn’t working – not with the sacred acceptance of ‘ok, look how powerful I am – I created dis-ease in my life … now I’ll use that same power to make it the way I want it’ … but with a sense of fatalism ….“God handed me this situation, I’ve got to deal with it.”

This is what we call ‘settling’ – settling for what is, and therefore telling the Universe we want more of it.

If it is true (and I believe it is) that the starting point of all conditions is in our thought-images, then we don’t have to settle for what we’ve created. We can change our mental picture of ourselves, and act as if what we desire is already so!

Spend some time today imagining yourself free of the condition that you’re desiring to change. How would you act differently? What does that freedom look like? How does it FEEL? Focus on that and take it into prayer or meditation, believing that it is possible. It is, you know – nothing is impossible for God – and God is within you right now !!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 44

Let’s continue being grateful for our lives by letting Deepak Chopra give us our message: "The Wonder of You": .

AFFIRM: I thank God for the miracle I am and will always continue to be!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Day 43

On Mondays I usually share your stories – however, I didn’t receive any this past week! Which is fine, as today is part of Thanksgiving weekend in Canada and I don’t want it to pass by without talking about gratitude:

I know it’s hard to feel grateful when you’re sick or things aren’t going right in your life … yet, what do you think would happen if you were to tear your thoughts away from what doesn’t seem to be working, and start thinking about all the things you have to be grateful for? Only good can come of it.

Maybe you’re in too much pain, physically, mentally or emotionally, to want to find anything to be grateful for …so….. How about being alive? Because all we know in this dimension, (unless we work at it,) is the physical aspect of Life, we take it for granted. We don’t stop to think about how awesome it is that we are here at all!! I remember watching Rev. Terry Cole-Whittaker on TV years ago, talking about how out of the thousands of sperm racing to the egg, We won!! Just the concept of a single egg, splitting and splitting and each cell knowing what part it was to play in our creation is mindboggling! And who hasn’t looked at a tiny newborn and thought “Wow – I used to be like that?”

We are a miracle in the making – continually evolving into something new. Who knows – maybe our dis-ease is part of that evolutionary process!

Spend some time today consciously being grateful for your life. Make a list and put it somewhere you will see it on a daily basis. Add to it when ever you want.
Meister Eckhart, the great Christian Mystic, wrote “If the only prayer you pray in your entire life is ‘Thank You’, that is enough.”

I am grateful for YOU!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Day 42

Another good day to pray. Breathe deeply and join me in this Spiritual Mind Treatment:

I see God everywhere. It is the Source of all good. It is all possibility and all power. I am an expression of all God is right here and now. There is nothing I could do to get away from this Truth. It always has been, is now, and ever will be.

Knowing this, I declare I am ready to live a full healthy life. I put down all my old baggage, and stand proudly, willing to move forward with ease. I am healthy in every area of my life. My body, finances, relationships and work all reflect the beauty and harmony of The Divine. This is good, very good.

There is only One Life – God’s Life – and this is the Life I am living now.

Gratefully I release my words, knowing they are already done, and so it is.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 41

Day 41

Our physical body needs food, shelter and rest.
Our emotional body needs attention, peace and love.
Our mental body needs clarity and peace.

Our Spiritual Body, in which all others reside, needs nothing. It just is, always has been and always will be. The recognition of this Truth, and the alignment of our physical, mental and emotional bodies with this Truth, makes all things necessary come into manifestation effortlessly.

Let go of focusing on what you think you don’t have, or what you need.
Focus on God instead.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Day 40

I love the number 4 – it represents balance to me. Which leads me to ask: How balanced do you feel?

I think of standing on a firm foundation of faith - a square, with each corner representing an area of my life: work, finances, health and relationships. My job is to make sure those corners stay squared so I am balanced.

In sewing, after I have stitched a corner, I then turn the material right side out and poke a blunt ended object into the corner from the inside to make sure the corner is pointy.

In life, I see the foundation of our lives as Spirit. Spiritual Mind Treatment, meditation, and affirmations or setting intentions is our way of poking out the corners to make sure our foundation is squared.

We’ve been focusing on one corner – health - yet paying attention to our corners equally brings balance into our lives. I’m sure you’ve noticed that when you pay attention solely to one, the others come out of balance as well.

The easiest way I know of to be in balance, is to remember who we are. As Emmet Fox wrote in The Golden Key …. Instead of thinking about the problems, think about God instead. Think about all the qualities of God you appreciate, and let your corners be squared and your life be in balance!

Affirm: God Life is expressing as me right here and now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day 39

I believe our illnesses are messengers and the message is usually about where we are resisting living the life we are meant to be living. Certainly being sick is a great excuse for not doing our passion!

It is a definite chain of events. We resist living a full life, the resistance makes us ill, then we resist being ill, which brings more illness. If we are serious about being well, we have to know what we’re going to do with our healthy lives.

What do you REALLY want to be doing?

Ask yourself, if I didn’t have to worry about my physical, mental or emotional health, what would I be doing?? What would make my heart sing?

Meditate on this today.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 38

Ernest Holmes wrote that Unconditional Love overcomes everything unlike itself. Love, then, must be power. He also states that love is the self-givingness of Spirit. Love and Spirit are one and the same. Love heals because Spirit is the presence of wholeness and health.

Recently I had a discussion with someone who takes a lot of medicine. Medicine deals with symptoms and of course, we want relief from our symptoms. The person was embarrassed because of their medications. They felt guilty as they believed themselves to be a New Thought person. I reminded them that medicine was a tool for healing.

My teacher, Rev. Helen Street, when she first started teaching classes in Honolulu, purchased a huge bottle of aspirin and put it on the sink in the washroom. Of course, someone came out and asked her "If you believe what you teach, why do you have a huge bottle of aspirin on the counter?"
Rev. Helen replied "Well, if you can't walk on water - take a boat."

Though the real healing comes from a revealing of the Truth, an uncovering of the Love's Presence, and a change in consciousness, we should not feel guilty or ashamed because we take medicine to help us. If we are in pain or discomfort, it is hard to focus on being whole. In Truth, if everything is God, then the doctors, nurses, medicines, etc., are all an expression of God in our lives for our healing. In Divine Mind we are already whole and perfect in every way.

Breathe deeply and let the Truth be revealed!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 37

We’re just over half way through our adventure in changing our consciousness about health. We’ve made our declarations, and re-committed ourselves to them. We have done our forgiveness processes. We have meditated, done Spiritual Mind Treatments, and affirmations. We have remembered that what we predominantly focus on is what we will manifest in our lives.

I believe in health. I believe in physical, mental and emotional health, and I believe it is possible for all of us. I KNOW there is a Divine Pattern of Health that is much greater than any condition we might have manifested. When it seems like things aren’t working the way I want them to, I refuse to live in fear. When I become afraid, I have to ask myself, "Where's my strength? Where's the power?" It always come back to God.

Do we really believe in a Power that is infinitely intelligent and unconditionally loving or do we have a wimpy god? What ever we believe about God is what we believe about ourselves. There IS a Principle within us that responds to whatever we are choosing for ourselves. If I choose illness (yes, I know we would never consciously choose illness – but we choose it by our actions – where we put our focus) I get to experience more illness. If I choose wellness – I get to experience more wellness.

When I sat down and made my declaration for health at the beginning of our Thank God We’re Healthy campaign, all the Power of the Universe was behind that declaration, attracting to me instantly all I would need for my choice to be made manifest. When I veered off into illness thinking, that Power followed me, again making my dominant thoughts manifest. I must be vigilant in my thinking! And I must trust that Power to do It’s work.

Jesus told us to “Pray believing it is so, and it will be.” In Religious Science we realize we are “praying without ceasing” through our thoughts. Where are your thoughts right now concerning your health?

Come back to your Path, claim the Power, be vigilant and let the Power do It’s work!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 36

Day 36

One of our participants has been working on quitting smoking .. she wrote the other day and said she’d “fallen off the wagon” but was getting back on and doing her work.

None of us are perfect – and after year or months of a habit (whether it be smoking, or habitual thinking about some condition) very few can just quit cold turkey! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to feel guilty for. The important thing is to get back into the new groove!

Remember records? Those plastic things we used to listen to and be so careful of because if they got scratched – the needle would get stuck in the rut and drive us crazy!?!? It’s almost like a dominant thought creates a groove in your brain that gets deeper and deeper, so that any thought that’s remotely like it, falls into that groove.

This a good reason for affirmations! It is said that saying affirmations with feeling and belief can create a new pathway that overrides the previous ones in 21 days. You have to pick some that really resonate with you. My favourite is:

Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of ________.

Remember, we’re doing our healing work from the inside out – so we’re building a healing consciousness!! I KNOW we are supported in every step we take by The Divine and I am so grateful!!

If you find that you’d like to talk, please send me an e-mail with your phone number and a good time to call – or we can meet in my chatroom.

The Thank God We're Healthy campaign is being archived on
Feel free to let others know about it. Thank you for participating!

Also feel free to share any demonstration stories – we all love hearing them!! Send them to me, and I will add them to our Monday e-mails.

If you would like to make a donation to this online ministry, you may use PayPal and use or mail a cheque to Rev. Angelica Taggart, 117-20465 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6. I am so grateful for the generosity of the Universe as It manifest through YOU!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 35

A good day to pray:

I breathe deeply, allowing myself to settle into my Spirit. In this peaceful place, I feel the powerful Presence of The Divine. I sense the infinite intelligence. I feel the unconditional love. I am in awe of knowing I am the beloved in whom God is well pleased.

As I sit with this feeling, I notice a shift in my consciousness. All old stories of dis-ease are gently falling away like autumn leaves. They have done their service and are finished.

In their place a sense of newness is born. A feeling of vitality floods my cells and radiates out into my world. I am healthy! On every level of my being, I am healthy!

This is my Truth. This is my new story and I am sticking to it. I am so grateful for the constant Presence in my life. I am grateful the life I am living is an extension of God Life, and I make it good, very good.

Gratefully I release these words, knowing they are so. And so it is.

Day 34

Sometimes when we’re talking about our health, we say “my bad back”, “my cancer”, “my depression” etc., as if that condition was an entity that we own and live with – just like we say “my cat” or “my dog.”

I wish I could find a poem I once read called “Adam Names the Animals.” When I read that poem years ago, I realized that we get to experience what ever we name.

Every time I use the phrase “my bad back,” I am telling the Universe I want to experience more of the effects of that condition I have claimed as my own. The Universe says YES – that is the only word It knows. The Universe cannot say “Sorry – even though you’ve been thinking about the condition for months, and are still claiming it, I can’t give it to you because you Treated about it this morning.” It can only give you more of what you are focused on.

Where is your focus right now? What are you claiming for yourself?

Oh I know – You’re focused on and claiming your Highest Good!!

Affirm: I am healthy in mind, emotions and body!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 33

I received an e-mail the other day that basically said “you can’t just think yourself well.”

OK, if one believes that – then they have to live by it. The basic Law in this dimension is IT IS DONE UNTO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE.

I agree healing has to be balanced on all levels of our being. If we’re Treating to lose weight, and continue to eat big, huge, yummy desserts every meal, we are counteracting our Treatment. That is, if we believe dessert is bad for us.

When I was studying for the ministry with Rev. Helen Street in Honolulu, HI., our class used to go out for snacks after class. One night the topic of conversation was about how bad sugar is for us, and Helen reached out and drew the sugar bowl towards her, and put her hands around it. She leaned down and whispered in a stage-whisper, “It’s ok, sugar, everyone still loves you.” We all laughed, and then realized it wasn’t the actual sugar that was harmful to us – it was our beliefs about it!

Doing our spiritual practices will lead us into healthy living. If we really trust the Infinite Intelligence within us, we will be guided to the right foods, the right practitioners, the right methodologies to facilitate our healing.

Affirm: Divine Mind assists me in attaining the consciousness of healthy living.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 32

In the classic book by Raymond Charles Barker, Treat Yourself to Life, he writes:

"The center of your life is within you, flowing out from you to the circumference. The circumference you call your world, your experience. Realize, however, that the circumference could not be unless there was a creative center within you. This creative center in the midst of you is called by most religions the Spirit of God. It is self-evident that life arises at the center and moves to the circumference. It is self-evident that in the world of which you are the center, you are the only thinker."

Meditate on this today. At the centre of you is You!! It is all powerful, unconditionally loving, and the divine pattern of perfect health. Let that Beloved Energy nurture you today. Let it continue to move from the center of your Being and fill every cell of your body with Light, every thought of your mind with Peace, and every beat of your heart with Love.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 31

When we’re not feeling comfortable in our bodies or in our lives, we tend to focus on that discomfort. As we focus on it, it gets worse, so we focus on it even more. We set up a cycle of energy that creates more and more discomfort.

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science, wrote: "When a man's thought rests entirely on himself, he becomes abnormal and unhappy but when he gives himself with enthusiasm to any legitimate purpose, losing himself in the thing in which he is doing, he becomes normal and happy. Let the one who is sad, depressed, or unhappy find some altruistic purpose into which he may pour his whole being and he will find a new inflow of life of which he has never dreamed."

In other words, to get out of the cycle – do something for someone else!

Now you might say to me “You don’t understand, I hurt too much to do anything” or “I don’t have any money to do anything for anyone” or ???.

Doing something for someone else doesn’t have to be BIG – you can pick up the phone and tell someone how much you appreciate them …. You can write someone a letter. You can offer to walk someone’s dog.

The point is to be of service. Years ago I picked up a greeting card and read “The best exercise for the heart is reaching out and helping someone up.” That has stuck with me for many years, and it works! If I am feeling down, when I reach out to serve someone else, I am able to get out of my ‘pity-party’ and for the time I am serving them, I am not thinking about what’s wrong with me!! I give that cycle a rest … and if I do it consciously enough, I break that cycle, and pretty soon begin to feel lighter, and more healthy in all areas of my life!

Try it today!

Affirm: I am ready and willing to be of service to my world.