Monday, October 6, 2008

Day 36

Day 36

One of our participants has been working on quitting smoking .. she wrote the other day and said she’d “fallen off the wagon” but was getting back on and doing her work.

None of us are perfect – and after year or months of a habit (whether it be smoking, or habitual thinking about some condition) very few can just quit cold turkey! It’s nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to feel guilty for. The important thing is to get back into the new groove!

Remember records? Those plastic things we used to listen to and be so careful of because if they got scratched – the needle would get stuck in the rut and drive us crazy!?!? It’s almost like a dominant thought creates a groove in your brain that gets deeper and deeper, so that any thought that’s remotely like it, falls into that groove.

This a good reason for affirmations! It is said that saying affirmations with feeling and belief can create a new pathway that overrides the previous ones in 21 days. You have to pick some that really resonate with you. My favourite is:

Divine Mind now assists me in attaining the consciousness of ________.

Remember, we’re doing our healing work from the inside out – so we’re building a healing consciousness!! I KNOW we are supported in every step we take by The Divine and I am so grateful!!

If you find that you’d like to talk, please send me an e-mail with your phone number and a good time to call – or we can meet in my chatroom.

The Thank God We're Healthy campaign is being archived on
Feel free to let others know about it. Thank you for participating!

Also feel free to share any demonstration stories – we all love hearing them!! Send them to me, and I will add them to our Monday e-mails.

If you would like to make a donation to this online ministry, you may use PayPal and use or mail a cheque to Rev. Angelica Taggart, 117-20465 Douglas Crescent, Langley, BC V3A 4B6. I am so grateful for the generosity of the Universe as It manifest through YOU!!

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