Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 56

A good day to pray:

I breathe deeply and welcome the powerful Presence of infinitely intelligent Life within me. I allow myself to be still and know that I am God.

God is absolutely all there is – so there can be nothing that isn’t God including me.

Knowing this I claim the perfect pattern of Divine Heath is within me now. I absolutely let go of all stories I have had about myself and my life that said anything different. I am vibrantly alive. I am healthy cells, healthy organs, healthy bones, healthy muscles. The blood that flows though my veins is a Divine Elixir, spreading radiant Life though out my body.

How grateful I am to know this Truth. How grateful I am to have changed my consciousness to one of Perfect Health. How grateful I am to release these words to Spiritual Law, knowing they are already done. And so it is.

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