Saturday, September 13, 2008

Day 13

Another excellent tool for forgiveness is by Colin Tipping, author of Radical Forgiveness – Makin Room for the Miracle. Mr. Tipping has done awesome work, helping thousands of people break through emotional barriers to their highest good.
If you click here:
You will find a place you can register and then either download the worksheet or do it online.

I’ve used the online worksheet a few times (it has explanations that are handy as you are doing the work) – the most amazing was when I decided to forgive my ex-husband. Not only was I able to do that – but I had a deep realization about my responsibility in the matter. I saw where I hadn’t allowed my needs to be met, and how I had blamed him for it. It was an eye opener – and quite liberating! I felt such a surge of love for him when I had finished the process!

You probably know this, but I feel I must say it. Forgiveness is not about condoning the other person’s actions – in fact, it is not about the other person at all. Forgiveness brings us to a spiritual realization that there are no mistakes, that everything happens for a reason, and enables us to see the blessings in life. We are now, and always have been, spiritually guided. Forgiveness is about our emotional freedom.

Affirm with me: I am ready and willing to let my heart be free!

If you find that you’d like to talk, please send me an e-mail with your phone number and a good time to call – or we can meet in my chatroom.
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